Pinau Merlin writes about a diversity of natural history and ecology 
topics, including everything from tracking, how to read and interpret 
whole environments, how to see more wildlife and to become a 
more aware observer in nature, animal longevity, nature 
"mythconceptions" and adaptive strategies of wildlife and plants, 
to bats, badgers, animal skulls, birds, mistletoe and turkey vultures.

Her work has appeared in Arizona Highways, Arizona Wildlife 
Views, Sojourns magazine, Tucson Audubon magazine and others.
She has been featured in Smithsonian magazine (see link below),
National Wildlife magazine and Outdoors magazine, among others.

"Look deeply into nature, then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein
Pinau Merlin
Author, Lecturer, Naturalist
 "Re-connecting with Nature"
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